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G7 policing: Protest commander shares update on our approach to policing protests at G7
G7 policing: Cornwall commander shares an update on local policing during the G7 Summit
G7 policing: Gold commander shares an update on how we plan to police the G7 Summit
G7 policing: Routes commander shares an update on how we’re minimising disruption at G7
G7 policing: Logistics commander shares update on scale of the planning operation
Officers release more details about how they will police protests during the G7 summit in Cornwall
Sky News joins Devon & Cornwall Police marine unit on training ahead of G7
G7 Summit Q&A - 14 April 2021
G7 Summit Q&A - 28 April 2021
Chinese President Xi Jinping confronts Justin Trudeau at G20 | USA TODAY #Shorts
Firearms officers, police dogs and drones will be used as part of G7 summit security
Former Chinese President Hu Jintao removed from Communist Party congress | USA TODAY #Shorts